"I, who had taken so much trouble to join my friend, was left alone" (Soseki 2)
"The grave stood like some monstrous thing, forever separating us." (Soseki 32)
“Sensei frequently disappointed me in this way…whenever some unexpected terseness of his shook me, my impulse was to press forward with the friendship. It seemed too that if I did so, my yearning for the possibilities of all he had to offer would someday be fulfilled” (Soseki 10)
"If the strokes of my characters seem sometimes ill-ranged, you must not think this due to my mental state" (Sensei 131)
"Having failed to bury myself alive among books, I tried for a while to forget myself by drowning my soul in sake" (Sense 238)
K's Diploma
K leaving Tokyo
K and Sensei in the park
Fathers' Illness